Monday, March 28, 2016

Day 35 - Day Tripper, Sunday driver yeah!

San Carlos de Bariloche

In previous years Bariloche has broken the world's largest Easter egg on Easter Sunday morning but unfortunately this year they broke with tradition and changed it to sharing hot chocolate in the afternoon - not really the same. Overall Easter has been quite different from what we expected, for what we thought would be a strongly catholic community in South America it's all been about the chocolate!

Once again we spent most of the morning trying to work out the transport system, we misjudged the location of where we thought we should pick up the bus to Cerro Castillo, so after waiting in the wrong place for a while we gave up and decided to take the easy option of the tourist bus to Cerro Otto.

We took the cable car up to the top, and after a wander around admiring the views we indulged in some yummy cake and coffee in the revolving restaurant.

That evening there was a concert in the town square, and as our apartment is in such a great location and the weather was so good, we just opened the window in our apartment and enjoyed dinner to the strains of a Beatles cover band. They were followed by a teen group that seemed to send the local girls into a frenzy, after they'd finished we watched out the window as the girls chased their tiny minivan (not much of a limo) down the street.

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