Friday, September 13, 2019

Day 18 - Getting stamps on the road to nowhere

Today was a rest day of sorts, geared towards getting organised for starting the Camino the next day. We took K's small case packed with things we hoped we wouldn't need for the next 2 weeks along to the post office and sent it through to Santiago de Compostela. 

We then went into the middle of town looking for a place to buy our Camino passports, which are booklets you get stamped along the way to show you've done the Camino. Like every other place in town the places selling them were closed between 1pm and 4pm, we managed to get ours just before 1 and received our first stamp, even though we hadn't really walked anywhere yet.

Next stop was the bus station for tickets on the 8am bus the next day to Virgin del Camino. We had decided to skip the first 7 kms of the walk since it was through the industrial part of León, which  would change the first day from around 34k to a more manageable 24ks.

After some lunch and snack supply shopping for the walk we headed back to the hotel to finish our final preparations, which also made sense as we knew there wan't much open for the next few hours.

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