Friday, September 27, 2019

Day 33 - Back to a more comfortable mode of transportation

We checked out just after 8am so we could collect our rental car at Santiago's railway station around 9am when the agency opened. We rolled our luggage through the streets in the steady rain as everyone was on their way to school or work, luckily it was all downhill. 

Once the car was collected we drove to "the end of the land" at Finisterre (Fin = end and Terre = land), the westernmost point of mainland Spain. It is also part of the extension to the Camino, as this was where the original pilgrims would collect their scallop shells from the ocean to prove that they had completed the pilgrimage. It was raining steadily so we were pleased we weren't walking today. We did see a sprinkling of pilgrims soldiering on but no one that we recognised. It wasn't a great day to visit the ocean but we stopped for a coffee before planning our route to Portugal, though we had to backtrack towards Santiago for quite a while. 
Our first stop was a quick and tasty lunch at Jessica's lovely house in Ponte do Lima, after that we drove to Porto airport to pick up Sue who had arrived from London. 

After checking in to our Airbnb in the outskirts of Porto we walked through the nearby Praça de Mouzinho de Albuquerque, a park in the middle of a giant roundabout with a huge column topped with a statue of a lion on top of a bird which we could see from our airbnb, After that dinner at a nearby Portugese grill restaurant to finish the day.

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