Friday, September 27, 2019

Day 32 - Iterum me non ambulabit

An easy  (0 km!) day today, catch up on washing and getting our stuff sorted after two weeks of walking everyday. 

We headed down to the Pilgrim's office at 10.30 to collect our tickets in the queue for the Compostela. At 2pm we headed back to the Pilgrim's office after keeping an eye on our numbers online, around 2.30, 24 hours after we arrived we were given our certificates with our names written in Latin. 

Our Airbnb looked over the road that the pilgrims take to enter so there was always a stream of people going past our balcony - so perhaps maybe someone up there had seen us come through yesterday.
Santiago itself is quite different to other tourist cities we've visited, this one has large numbers of people walking around with backpacks and luggage, and it's difficult to see any locals other than in the shops selling trinkets and souvenirs. Hopefully the city gets to resume some sense of normality in the off season, at the moment it's just one big tourist town, with didgeridoo playing buskers, human statues and bagpipe players plying their trade ... so much for it being the end goal of a Catholic pilgrimage of hundreds of kilometres. 

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