Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Day 30 - The beginning of the end

Second last day, and a nice short one too - hard to believe we'd covered nearly 300km already. It had been raining but there was a respite as we started off, and after leaving town we found ourselves walking into some quite large eucalyptus forests that reminded us a lot of home.
Lunch was at a roadside restaurant where we shared a meal of zorza and chips ... zorza being a kind of spiced pork that is used in making chorizos ... so it became M's new favourite meal of the trip.
The forest walk from earlier in the day didn't last long, so again we were following the path along the side of the road - if you want a picturesque and peaceful nature walk the last 100km of the Camino is not for you!
Being such a short day (only 18 or so kilometres) we made in into O Pedruozo mid afternoon, and after a short rest quickly explored the town, before settling on a meal which for M consisted once again of zorsa and chips ... when you're on a good thing .....

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