Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Day 9 - 'Si', I mean 'Oui'!

Cadaques was a delightful town, with a small village feel, and couldn't be further away from some of the horrible high rise towns we passed to get there. The sea was a beautiful blue and the town was just the right mix between cute cafes and restaurants and just enough activity to not feel too sleepy.

We ordered our "white flat" coffee which arrived incredibly strong, so K asked for more milk before we indulged in some serious pastry shopping to get some supplies for the day. A lot more people use cash here than we are used to at home, however in a lot of places the staff don't handle the cash. We were getting used to placing our order with the shop assistant and then feeding the money into a machine that spits out change. We feel that we could have easily spent another night in Cadaques.

We followed the winding coastal road through northern Catalonia until we crossed the border into France. The road surface improved dramatically and there were lots of little roadside stalls that offered wine tasting, no need to even visit the vineyard.

We stopped off at Perpignan for lunch on the river, while we struggled with the change in language from Spanish to French. We had just got comfortable with Spanish and now we were unsuccessfully trying to remember our basic high school French.

We ended up in Carassone, which is famous for its massive double walled medieval castle, and we finished the afternoon wandering around the huge old fortress with all the other tourists.

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