Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Day 105 to 107 - A holiday from being on holiday


When we first arrived Máncora reminded us a little of Bali, but without the hassle. The shops, bars and tuk-tuks are similar, but Máncora is a lot smaller than Kuta, and our thoughts of there being much of a similarity only lasted for a short time. Being here in low season and also at election time gives the place a laid back feel, just perfect for us to spend a few days here and take a break from sightseeing.
The view from our balcony
Our room is lovely with a great balcony overlooking the beach. Each morning we'd get up and have breakfast, then go for some long walks along the beach (oh yes, how romantic!). There are a lot of places to stay spread along the coast, many of them looking quite empty, but apparently it gets difficult to find accommodation in peak season. Heading south from Máncora the beach is nice to walk along, though it doesn't look suitable for swimming, it's a bit rocky.

He has another horse, why isn't he using it?
Heading north the beach is much more swimmable, but twice when trying to walk that way we were stopped by a security guard and told that we shouldn't go any further as it is too dangerous, we could get robbed and they could even take our clothes! Our clothes aren't worth that much, but we took the guard's advice and turned back. 
Not the first time on our trip we've seen someone meditating in public
We saw some interesting fauna on our walks: two dead sea lions (in different parts of the beach) washed up onto the shore and being pecked at by condors, a sad looking pelican staying close by its dead mate, and hundreds of what we think were Magnificent Frigatebirds diving into the water to pick up dead fish (there were hundreds of fish in the water and also washed up along the shoreline) and dropping them a few seconds later when they worked out they were already dead.

These condors look like they're up to no good!
After our morning walk we'd have a seafood lunch at one of the beachside restaurants (competition between them to nab people as they walked past was fierce but friendly), and later in the afternoon we'd head to one of the cafes with a great view of the beach to have a milkshake and/or pisco sour (or two). 
Our lunchtime hangout
We could have easily stayed longer but are aware that we are not that far from Colombia and Central America and we'll have plenty of opportunity to do the beach holiday there, so we decided that after four nights in Mancora we'd push on to Ecuador. We purchased bus tickets to take us across the border and to Cuenca, once again going for the day trip option.

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