Monday, June 13, 2016

Day 112 - Wait a minute ....

Cuenca to Riobamba

Our next bus trip was a relatively short one of 6 hours to Riobamaba. There was a bathroom stop halfway, and as the bus was pulling out we noticed that the Asian woman who had been sitting opposite us (and hadn't been feeling well) wasn't in her seat - the bus was going to leave without her. If we hadn't stopped the bus she would have been stranded! Funny how they have no problems stopping anywhere and everywhere to pick up passengers, but can't wait another thirty seconds to make sure everyone's on board.

When the bus arrived in Riobamba we were dropped off on the side of the road and not at a bus terminal as we expected. As it was Sunday, Riobamba was very quiet when we arrived. As we walked around we did find a park where many of the locals were enjoying music and rides with their kids, but the city streets were practically deserted.

It wasn't much busier later on when we headed out for dinner, many restaurants were closed. We had heard that in general Ecuador is pretty dead on a Sunday - certainly looks like it!

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