Thursday, June 2, 2016

Day 101 - Doing the Chan Chan


We are getting the hang of using the local buses even if we are not quite up to getting on and off as the bus is still moving like the locals do. We took the bus to Chan Chan, a massive archaeological site and the largest pre-Columbian site in South America, which was the capital of the Chimor empire. Some of the ruins have been excavated but there is a much greater area that hasn't been touched, or is only partially excavated. The total area is huge and we only visited the main section, which included some restored areas.

Our Chan-Chan ticket included access to other nearby ruins, so we continued on to Trujillo to see Huaca Esmerelda. This wasn't far from the mall we visited yesterday, so it was a little strange visiting fenced off ruins surrounded by houses in the middle of an urban area - it makes you wonder what other ruins could be under people's homes.

The other signifcant site in Trujillo is at Huaca de la Luna, so we decided we would finish the day there. This site is impressive because many of the original painted murals can still been seen with their original colours.

After navigating the Trujillo bus system (two buses to get back to Huanchaco this time), we finished off the afternoon as we had the day before watching the sun set over the ocean while we sipped on our drinks - making you jealous yet?

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