Saturday, June 11, 2016

Day 110 - Getting back out there


So far our time in the expat town of Ecuador has been spent in police stations, court rooms, hospitals and being driven around in the back of a police car with lights flashing - we both looked at each other incredulously the first time we were chauffeured this way, it was a first for both of us, but it quickly lost its novelty.

We actually slept quite well, so after some mundane duties in the morning we decided we needed to get back on the horse and venture back into the streets of Cuenca.

We walked back through the city centre, where entire blocks have been dug up to lay new tram tracks (you'd think they could do it a bit at a time to minimise disruption), and made our way down to the rambling river Tomebamba. We had a nice walk along the river to Parque El Paraiso, along the way there we passed by the hospital, and on the way back the courthouse, at least this time we weren't obliged to go in!

We would be lying to say we both didn't have the jitters and were a little wary of random dodgy looking characters and crossed to the other side of the street at times. Cuenca seems like a really nice city (there's a reason so many expats like it), but at the moment we don't really feel like spending much time here.

When we returned we headed up to the lovely roof terrace of our apartment block and shocked all the other sympathetic long term tenants about our experience, they were all very surprised, but also very supportive. It was nice to chat to the other Aussies & Americans and really get an idea about why they choose to live in Cuenca.

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