Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Day 127 - Warming up

Salento to Medellín

We caught a 10am bus from Salento to Medellín (along with 15 other gringos in our 17 seater bus). The road was windy and the scenery spectacular, including a nice stop for lunch in a spot where we could feel the tropical warmth and humidity we had been expecting.
They do good bus trip lunch breaks in Colombia
On arrival at the bus station in Medellín the taxi drivers wouldn't take us, which also happened to some of the others from our bus. Supposedly the drivers didn't know the address, but we believe it was actually because we weren't going far, so the fare wasn't enough. Luckily Uber drivers aren't as fussy, so within a few minutes we were on our way. Many of the taxis here have anti-Uber signs on their back windows, but they don't do themselves any favours if they can't be bothered with new arrivals at the bus station!

We finally made it to our aribnb apartment about 5pm, and later ate dinner on the balcony while we soaked up the warmth - thanks Medellín!

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